Writing Competition 2018

Writing Competition 2018

Several students of our school were taking part in the "Helbling More! Writing Competition 2018".

By the end of November pupils from the 3rd and 4th grade were able to hand in a text based on one of the following topics:

3rd grade: "What's it like to be young today" or "The day the music died"
4th grade: "A Grand Day Out" or "My favourite person in history"

Congratulations go out to the participants Simon Lackner (3e), Paula Hanner (3f), Angelina Seng (3f), Sophie Schaubmeier (3f), Selina Fixl (3f), Selina Schwinger (3g), Melina Berghahn (4c), Marie Zeiner (4f) and Paulina Exner (4c).

Two of our students were even awarded the REGIONAL CHAMPION of Upper Austria - Congratulations to Ana Drljaca (3e) and Leon Lerchl (4f)! Well done!!

Christina Tauböck

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